The Benefits of IPL Treatments
Intense pulse light, or more commonly known as IPL or photorejuvenation, has revolutionized the skin care industry. Who doesn’t want a more even complexion while potentially knocking a few years off your age? IPL therapy uses a single wavelength of light to target just below the skin’s surface. Dr. Leong uses the world-class Palomar IPL device. Palomar is the company that invented IPL and they still provide leading innovation to the laser industry.
Photofacials can treat a variety of skin issues such as rosacea, hyperpigmentation, as well as facial veins and broken capillaries. One single treatment can be highly beneficial, however, if one is looking to treat certain skin conditions listed above, a series of treatments are recommended to achieve a more desirable outcome. Depending on how bad each skin issue is, that will help determine how many treatments will be needed.
One important fact to know before you schedule an IPL treatment is that you must be out of the sun for at least four weeks to reduce the risk of burning. This light based treatment targets pigment, therefore, if you have a tan, the targeted spots will be mis-directed. It is also advisable to stay out of the sun for another two weeks after treatment since the freshly treated skin is more susceptible to burning. Photofacials are highly recommended for the Spring, Fall, and Winter months.
IPL treatments can be performed at any of our 5 office locations in Pittsburgh. Schedule your consultation with our Register Nurse, Medical Aesthetician, or Dr. Leong today!